EEOB/BCB 546: Programming with Python

Working With Pandas DataFrames in Python


  • How do you import data into Python?

  • How do you create a DataFrame and access its contents?

  • How do you create simple plots?

  • Describe the Python Data Analysis Library (Pandas).

  • Load Pandas.

  • Use read_csv to read tabular data into Python.

  • Describe what a DataFrame is in Python.

  • Access and summarize data stored in a DataFrame.

  • Define indexing as it relates to data structures.

  • Perform basic mathematical operations and summary statistics on data in a Pandas DataFrame.

  • Create simple plots.

Starting with Data

We can automate much of our research workflow using Python. It’s efficient to spend time building the code to perform these tasks because once it is built, we can use it over and over on different datasets that use a similar format. This makes our methods easy to reproduce and easy to adapt to new projects. We can also share our code with colleagues and they can replicate the same analysis.

Getting Set Up

To help the lesson run smoothly, let’s ensure everyone is in the same directory. This should help us avoid path and file name issues. At this time please navigate to the directory containing the course repository on your computer. Before starting, be sure to pull the most recent changes from the repository using git pull origin master. If you’re working in Jupyter Notebook be sure that you start your notebook in the course-files/python directory. If you do not have this directory, please see the instructions in the Setup page.

You will want to use a Jupyter notebook or the Spyder IDE console to run this lesson. Both of these tools make it easy to view in-line plots.

To start a new Python session in a Jupyter notebook:

$ cd course-files/python
$ jupyter notebook

This typically brings up your default web browser and opens the Jupyter home screen. Select New->Python 3. Name this session 03-starting-wtih-data.

Note that you can also start a Jupyter notebook from the Anaconda Navigator launch screen. This will likely open the notebook in your home directory and you can then navigate through your file system to get to the course-files/python directory.

Alternatively, you can start a Spyder instance and navigate to the course-files/python directory from the console using Unix commands.

Our Data

For this lesson, we will be using the Portal Teaching data, a subset of the data from the ecological study by Ernst et al. (2009): Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona, USA Specifically, we will be using files from the Portal Project Teaching Database.

In this lesson, we are studying the species and weight of (vertebrate) animals captured in plots in our study area. The observed data are stored as a .csv file (comma-separated value): each row holds information for a single animal, and the columns represent:

Column Description
record_id Unique id for the observation
month month of observation
day day of observation
year year of observation
plot_id ID of a particular plot
species_id 2-letter code
sex sex of animal (“M”, “F”)
hindfoot_length length of the hindfoot in mm
weight weight of the animal in grams

The first few rows of our first file look like this:


Pandas in Python

One of the best options for working with tabular data in Python is to use the Python Data Analysis Library (a.k.a. Pandas). The Pandas library provides data structures, produces high quality plots with matplotlib and integrates nicely with other libraries that use NumPy (which is another Python library) arrays.

Python does not load all available libraries by default. We have to add an import statement to our code in order to use library functions. To import a library, we use the syntax import libraryName. If we want to give the library a nickname to shorten the command, we can add as myNickName.

Import the pandas library using the common nickname pd is below.

import pandas as pd

If you’re using a Jupyter notebook for this lesson, it should look like this:

Weight by Species Plot

Remember that the import pandas as pd syntax means that we have given the alias pd to the pandas library. Thus, we don’t have to use the whole name when we invoke pandas functions.

Documenting Code

Let’s take a moment to talk about proper documentation again. One major benefit of using Jupyter Notebooks is that it gives us a way to provide clear and descriptive comments about our code. This is a good place to write a description of this notebook.

Add a new cell in your notebook and change the cell type to Markdown.

Create markdown cell

You can also use the arrow buttons to move this cell to the top of your notebook.

Now we can write a description of this notebook using Markdown.

# Lesson: Working with Pandas DataFrames in Python

In-class tutorial on Pandas.

Create markdown cell

Reading CSV Data Using Pandas

We will begin by locating and reading our survey data which are in CSV format. We can use Pandas’ read_csv function to pull the file directly into a DataFrame.

What’s a DataFrame?

A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional data structure that can store data of different types (including characters, integers, floating point values, factors and more) in columns. It is similar to a spreadsheet or an SQL table or the data.frame in R. A DataFrame always has an index (0-based). An index refers to the position of an element in the data structure.

       record_id  month  day  year  plot_id species_id  sex  hindfoot_length  \
0              1      7   16  1977        2         NL    M             32.0   
1              2      7   16  1977        3         NL    M             33.0   
2              3      7   16  1977        2         DM    F             37.0   
3              4      7   16  1977        7         DM    M             36.0   
4              5      7   16  1977        3         DM    M             35.0   
5              6      7   16  1977        1         PF    M             14.0   
6              7      7   16  1977        2         PE    F              NaN   
7              8      7   16  1977        1         DM    M             37.0   
...          ...    ...  ...   ...      ...        ...   ...             ...
35547      35548     12   31  2002        7         DO    M             36.0   
35548      35549     12   31  2002        5        NaN  NaN              NaN   

0         NaN  
1         NaN  
2         NaN  
3         NaN  
4         NaN  
5         NaN  
6         NaN  
7         NaN  
...       ...
35547    51.0  
35548     NaN  

[35549 rows x 9 columns]

We can see that there were 33,549 rows parsed into a DataFrame. Each row has 9 columns. The first column is the index of the DataFrame. The index is used to identify the position of the data, but it is not an actual column of the DataFrame (it is not labeled).

It looks like the read_csv function in Pandas read our file properly. However, we haven’t saved any data to memory, and we cannot work with it until we do that. We need to assign the DataFrame to a variable. Remember that a variable is a name for a value, such as x, or data. We can create a new object with a variable name by assigning a value to it using the = operator.

Let’s call the imported survey data surveys_df:

surveys_df = pd.read_csv("surveys.csv")

Notice when you assign the imported DataFrame to a variable, Python does not produce any output on the screen. We can print the value of the surveys_df object by typing its name into the Python command prompt. This will print the data frame just like above.


Inspecting Our Species Survey DataFrame

Now we can start working with our data. First, let’s check the data type of the data stored in surveys_df using the type function. The type function and __class__ attribute tell us that surveys_df is <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>.


The output is the same if you use this:


We can also enter surveys_df.dtypes at our prompt to view the data type for each column in our DataFrame. int64 represents numeric integer values - int64 cells cannot store decimals. object represents strings (letters and numbers). float64 represents numbers with decimals.

record_id            int64
month                int64
day                  int64
year                 int64
plot_id              int64
species_id          object
sex                 object
hindfoot_length    float64
weight             float64
dtype: object

Useful Ways to View DataFrame objects in Python

There are multiple methods that can be used to summarize and access the data stored in DataFrames. Note that we call the method by using the object or method name surveys_df.object or surveys_df.method(). So surveys_df.columns provides an index of all of the column names in our DataFrame.

Querying DataFrames

There are several methods that allow you to inspect your DataFrame.

Print the column names:


Print the first 4 lines of the DataFrame


Print the last 4 lines of the DataFrame


Print the dimensions of the DataFrame


Summarizing Data in a Pandas DataFrame

We’ve read our data into Python. Next, let’s perform some quick summaries of the DataFrame to learn more about the data that we’re working with. We might want to know how many animals were collected in each plot, or how many of each species were caught. We can summarize different aspects of our data using groups. But first we need to figure out what we want to group by.

Let’s begin by exploring our data and view the column names:

Index(['record_id', 'month', 'day', 'year', 'plot_id', 'species_id', 'sex',
       'hindfoot_length', 'weight'], dtype=object)

Let’s get a list of all the species. The pd.unique method tells us all of the unique values in the species_id column. These are two-character identifiers of the species names (e.g., NL represents the rodent Neotoma albigula).

array(['NL', 'DM', 'PF', 'PE', 'DS', 'PP', 'SH', 'OT', 'DO', 'OX', 'SS',
       'OL', 'RM', nan, 'SA', 'PM', 'AH', 'DX', 'AB', 'CB', 'CM', 'CQ',
       'RF', 'PC', 'PG', 'PH', 'PU', 'CV', 'UR', 'UP', 'ZL', 'UL', 'CS',
       'SC', 'BA', 'SF', 'RO', 'AS', 'SO', 'PI', 'ST', 'CU', 'SU', 'RX',
       'PB', 'PL', 'PX', 'CT', 'US'], dtype=object)

How many plots were recorded for this dataset?

  1. Create a list of unique plot ID’s found in the surveys data. Call it plot_names. How many unique plots are there in the data?

  2. Is there a simpler solution for doing this?


# 1
plot_names = list(pd.unique(surveys_df['plot_id']))

# 2

Note that the .nunique() method does not count null (i.e., nan) values.

Groups in Pandas

We often want to calculate summary statistics grouped by subsets or attributes within fields of our data. For example, we might want to calculate the average weight of all individuals per plot.

We can calculate basic statistics for all records in a single column using the .describe() method:

count    32283.000000
mean        42.672428
std         36.631259
min          4.000000
25%         20.000000
50%         37.000000
75%         48.000000
max        280.000000
Name: weight, dtype: float64

We can also extract one specific metric if we wish:

Like the lowest weight


The maximum weight


The mean of the weight column


The standard deviation of the weight


Count the number of observations made for weight:


But if we want to summarize by one or more variables, for example the weight for each sex, we need to use the Pandas DataFrame .groupby() method. Once we’ve created a re-orgaized DataFrame, we can quickly calculate summary statistics by a group of our choice.

Group data by the sex of each observed individual:

sorted_data = surveys_df.groupby('sex')

The method .describe() will return descriptive stats including: mean, median, max, min, std and count for a particular column in the data. Pandas’ .describe() method will only return summary values for columns containing numeric data. With the sorted data, we can obtain the summary statistics for the weight column separated by sex.

       count       mean        std  min   25%   50%   75%    max
F    15303.0  42.170555  36.847958  4.0  20.0  34.0  46.0  274.0
M    16879.0  42.995379  36.184981  4.0  20.0  39.0  49.0  280.0

We can also get the mean for each numeric-valued column, grouped by sex:


Means grouped by sex

The .groupby() method is powerful in that it allows us to quickly generate summaries of categorical data.

How many individuals were recorded as female and how many were male?

Using the .describe() method on the DataFrame sorted by sex, determine how many individuals were observed for each.


  • Female = 15690

  • Male = 17348

Group by two columns

What happens when you group by two columns and then view mean values:


sorted_data2 = surveys_df.groupby(['plot_id','sex'])

Summarize a single column

Summarize weight values for each plot in your data.


by_plot = surveys_df.groupby('plot_id')

Quickly Creating Summary Counts in Pandas

Let’s next count the number of samples for each species. We can do this in a few ways, but we’ll use groupby combined with a count() method.

species_counts = surveys_df.groupby('species_id')['record_id'].count()
AB      303
AH      437
AS        2
BA       46
CB       50
CM       13
CQ       16

Or, we can also count just the rows that have the species “PL” (Peromyscus leucopus):


Basic Math Functions

If we wanted to, we could perform math on an entire column of our data. For example let’s multiply all weight values by 2. A more practical use of this might be to normalize the data according to a mean, area, or some other value calculated from our data.

Multiply all weight values by 2 and store values in a Pandas object called double_weight:

double_weight = surveys_df['weight'] * 2

If we summarize double_weight, then the summary will indicate that these values are twice the original weights:

count    32283.000000
mean        85.344856
std         73.262519
min          8.000000
25%         40.000000
50%         74.000000
75%         96.000000
max        560.000000
Name: weight, dtype: float64

Quick & Easy Plotting Using Pandas

We can plot our summary stats using Pandas, too.

Now, we can make a quick bar chart of the species counts

species_counts.plot(kind='bar',title='Number of individuals per species')

Weight by Species Plot

We can also look at how many animals were captured in each plot:

total_count = surveys_df.groupby('plot_id')['record_id'].nunique()

And plot a bar chart describing the number of individuals captured at each plot. Also, let’s make it so that all of the bars are colored green.

total_count.plot(kind='bar',title='Number captured per plot', color='green')

Number Captured Plot

Plot the average weight across all species in each plot

Create a bar plot that shows the average weight of all of the animals captured in that plot. Also, choose an interesting or pleasing color from the list of named web colors.


plot_weight_means = surveys_df.groupby('plot_id')['weight'].mean()
plot_weight_means.plot(kind='bar',title='Average Weight (g)',color='LightSeaGreen')


Plot the number of females and the number of males in the dataset

Create a bar plot that shows the total number of each sex captured for the entire dataset.


counts_by_sex = surveys_df['record_id'].groupby(surveys_df['sex']).count()
counts_by_sex.plot(kind='bar',title='Number captured for each sex',color=['k', 'r'])


More Fun with Plotting

Now we will plot something a little bit more difficult. We will use a stacked bar plot to show how both weight and sex are distributed across each plot in the study.

First we group data by plot and by sex, and then calculate a total for each plot.

by_plot_sex = surveys_df.groupby(['plot_id','sex'])
plot_sex_count = by_plot_sex['weight'].sum()

This calculates the sums of weights for each sex within each plot as a table

plot  sex
plot_id  sex
1        F      38253
         M      59979
2        F      50144
         M      57250
3        F      27251
         M      28253
4        F      39796
         M      49377

Then we’ll use .unstack() on our grouped data to figure out the total weight that each sex contributed to each plot.

sex            F        M
1        38253.0  59979.0
2        50144.0  57250.0
3        27251.0  28253.0
4        39796.0  49377.0
5        21143.0  23326.0
6        26210.0  27245.0
7         6522.0   6422.0

Now, create a stacked bar plot with those data where the weights for each sex are stacked by plot.

spc = plot_sex_count.unstack()
s_plot = spc.plot(kind='bar',stacked=True,title="Total weight by plot and sex")
s_plot.set_ylabel("Weight (g)")

Stacked Bar Plot

Take-Home Challenge: More Fun with DataFrames and Plotting

Continue working with the surveys_df DataFrame on the following challenges:

  1. Plot the average weight over all species and plots sampled each year (i.e., year on the horizontal axis and average weight on the vertical axis).

  2. Come up with another way to view and/or summarize the observations in this dataset. What do you learn from this?


The solutions will be posted in a few days. Feel free to use the #scripting_help channel in Slack to discuss these exercises.

Key Points